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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Emagination Israel: bridging future generations with its challenges

Along with his two business partners, Nir Kouris is building and executing his vision to create three new experiences for people worldwide to explore and advance their technology side within Israel in a summer camp environment. The camp location is not yet public, however, the first camp for around 300 participants aged between 12 to 17 years is set to run in the summer of 2008. Half of the participants are expected to be Israelis and the other half from abroad. Kouris' second type of camp experience is a 'Technological Gadnat' for Israelis around 17 years of age and introduces them to personnel in the IDF's elite technological units. The third camp experience Kouris envisions is called Innovation Israel and is mainly for adults. Already in talks with prospective investors, strategic partners and philanthropic donors, Kouris feels "that Emagination Israel will make a major difference by exposing the young generation to the challenges of a world surging with technological advances, while simultaneously giving them the intellectual and practical tools to confront these challenges in creative and fun ways." An interview and business overview of Emagination Israel follows.

Overview: Emagination Israel: an international fun & high-tech summer camp.

The Challenge: in recent decades science and high-tech have been the success stories of Israel and this will continue into the future. However, increasing numbers of players are now competing in these fields globally, so Israel and the Jewish world must utilize its human potential and strive with great effort in order to remain at the forefront of technological advancements. Furthermore, one of our national goals must be to import the best minds from all over the Jewish world.

The Idea: We, the founders, believe that the way to achieve our potential is by focusing on the future generation: global Jewish youth. Reaching teenagers at a stage when their future is still malleable, like clay to the potter, makes it possible to provide inspiration, guide ambitions and integrate ideas into shaping a positive Jewish-Zionist identity. Only until the gates of the Israeli hi-tech world are opened to teenagers can they begin to truly envision Israel as a place where personal ambitions can be fulfiled and Jewish identities reinforced. Exposing high-caliber youth to these opportunities will ultimately help Israel lead in the fields of science and technology in the long-term and strengthen the bridge between Israel and the Diaspora.

The Solution: Emagination Israel is exactly geared to young minds. The summer camp introduces campers to an enriching experience that will touch their deepest emotions and spur creative energy. We provide an original, creative and fascinating program that matches Diaspora youth with Israeli peers in a unique way using universal language – Technology. During the summer of 2008, hundreds of teens from Israel and around the world will join together at Emagination Israel. The camp's program includes exciting workshops, rich in content that will enlighten imaginations and challenge curiosity in the framework of a fun experience that a summer in Israel can provide. The program is based on the knowledge and the experience gained from Emagination U.S., which has been operating hi-tech camps all over the USA for 25 years and has been adjusted for the Israeli-Jewish world and thereby merged with the Israeli hi-tech success story.

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